
Showing posts from March, 2023

Looking for a Quality Provider for Custom-built C1D1 Extraction Labs, Portable Extraction Pods or an Extraction Room?

Podtronix is the premier source for custom-built C1D1 extraction labs, C1D1 portable extraction pods and C1D1 extraction rooms. Their products are designed to provide a safe, secure, and compliant environment for producers looking for a cost effective way to extract their product. The custom-built C1D1 extraction labs from Podtronix are designed to be a fully operational lab that meets all necessary requirements for the handling and processing of hazardous materials. The modular design allows producers to customize the layout of their lab to best suit their needs while maintaining compliance with all local regulations. The rooms come equipped with a fully integrated environmental control system that ensures a consistent temperature, humidity and ventilation level throughout the space. In addition, these labs are engineered with fire suppression systems that meet NFPA standards and an exhaust hood that eliminates air contamination. All of these features make these labs ideal for prod...